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Internship on Machine Learning (30 Day's)
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YouTube 5 Days Webinar in Machine Learning
Day - 1 | Introduction to A.I & Machine Learning (85:10)
Day-2 | Classification & Regression (92:55)
Day-3 | Evaluating various ML Algorithm (67:55)
Day-4 | Anomaly Detection (69:30)
Day - 5 | Neural Networks (86:40)
Mind Programming MindMap
Task - 1
Day-1 | Introduction to A.I & Machine Learning
Overview of this Course (10:18)
What is A.I ? (15:44)
What is Machine Learning ? (13:13)
How Machine Learning & Data science can be Explored ? (8:01)
Why A.I ? (6:45)
Applications of A.I from A.I Master Class Series [BONUS] (28:25)
Attachment - 1
Day-2 | Exploring Various Python Notebooks
Installing Python IDLE (11:59)
Python from Command window & How to Install Python Library (10:42)
Installing Anaconda Navigator | Exploring Jupyter Notebook & Spyder (12:03)
Installing & Exploring Pycharm (9:07)
Day -3 | Sale Prediction using LOGISTIC REGRESSION
Concept Mind map for this Project - 3 (35:13)
Project - 3 (21:08)
Attachment & Task - 3
Day - 4 | Salary estimation using K-NEAREST NEIGHBOUR
Concept Mind map for Project - 4 (29:20)
Project - 4 (26:32)
Attachment & Task - 4
Day-5 | Handwritten Digit Recognition using SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE CLASSIFIER
Concept Mind map for Project - 5 (47:31)
Project - 5 (31:00)
Attachment & Task - 5
Day - 6 | Titanic Survival prediction using NAIVE BAYES
Concept Mind map for Project - 6 (31:00)
Project - 6 (14:03)
Attachment & Task - 6
Day - 7 | Plant leaf Iris detection using DECISION TREE
Concept Mind map for Project - 7 (45:31)
Project - 7 (18:20)
Attachment & Task - 7
Day - 8 | Digit recognition using RANDOM FOREST
Concept Mind map for Project - 8 (17:45)
Project - 8 (12:06)
Attachment & Task - 8
Day - 9 | Evaluating Classification model Performance
Concept Mind map for Project - 9 (42:04)
Project - 9 (18:05)
Attachment & Task - 9
Day-10 | Breast Cancer Detection using various ML Algorithm - Evaluation
Project - 10 (22:12)
Attachment & Task - 10
Day-11 | House price prediction using Linear Regression Single Variable
Concept Mind map for Project - 11 (29:25)
Project - 11 (11:34)
Attachment & Task - 11
Day-12 | Exam mark prediction using LINEAR REGRESSION - MULTIPLE VALUES
Project - 12 (11:57)
Attachment & Task - 12
Day-13 | Salary Prediction using POLYNOMIAL REGRESSION
Concept Mind map for Project - 13 (13:15)
Project - 13 (20:16)
Attachment & Task - 13
Day - 14 | Stock Price Prediction using SUPPORT VECTOR REGRESSION
Concept Mind map for Project - 14 (6:43)
Project - 14 (11:12)
Attachment & Task - 14
Day - 15 | Height Prediction using DECISION TREE REGRESSION
Concept Mind map for Project - 15 (4:17)
Project - 15 (8:55)
Attachment & Task - 15
Day - 16 | Car Price Prediction using RANDOM FOREST REGRESSION
Concept Mind map for Project - 16 (10:59)
Project - 16 (14:35)
Attachment & Task - 16
Day - 17 | Evaluating Regression Model Using R-Squared & Adjusted R-Squared
Project - 17 (14:42)
Attachment & Task - 17
Day - 18 | Regression Model Selection for Engine Energy prediction
Project - 18 (11:27)
Attachment & Task - 18
Day - 19 | Income Spent Clustering using K-Means
Concept Mind map for Project - 19 (21:52)
Project - 19 (15:09)
Attachment & Task - 19
Day - 20 | Income & Spent Analysis using Hierarchical Clustering
Concept Mind map for Project - 20 (24:46)
Project - 20 (12:25)
Attachment & Task - 20
Day - 21 | Clustering Plant Iris Using Principal Component Analysis
Concept Mind map for Project - 21 (26:59)
Project - 21 (5:17)
Attachment & Task - 21
Day - 22 | Movie Recommendation System Using Singular Value Decomposition
Concept Mind map for Project - 22 (30:57)
Project - 22 (22:01)
Attachment & Task - 22
Day - 23 | Market Basket Analysis using APIRIORI
Concept Mind map for Project - 23 (24:45)
Project - 23 (13:31)
Attachment & Task - 23
Day - 24 | Market Basket Analysis using ECLAT
Concept Mind map for Project - 24 (15:11)
Attachment & Task - 24
Day - 25 | Web Ad Optimization using Upper Confidence Bound - Reinforcement Learning
Concept Mind map for Project - 25 (25:36)
Project - 25 (10:06)
Attachment & Task - 25
Day - 26 | Sentimental Analysis using Natural Language Processing
Natural Language Processing (14:42)
Concept Mind map & Project - 26 (31:41)
Attachment & Task - 26
Day - 27 | Breast Cancer tumor Detection using XGBOOST
Concept Mind map for Project - 27 (17:23)
Project - 27 (6:19)
Attachment & Task - 27
Day - 28 | Introduction to Deep Learning & Diabetes detection using Simple Neural Network
Intro to Deep Learning & Pima Indians Diabetes detection (53:58)
Attachment & Task - 28
Day - 29 | Covid-19 Detection using CNN
Project - 29 (40:57)
Attachment & Task - 29
Day-30 | A.I Snake Game using REINFORCEMENT LEARNING
Path Solver Algorithm (18:38)
A.I Snake game application (21:02)
Attachment & Task - 30
30 Days Challenge
Doing anything for 30 Days, will turn into a Habit
Teach online with
Attachment & Task - 20
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