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Internship on Raspberry PI (30 Day's)
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Day-1 | Overview of this course & Raspberry Pi
Overview of Raspberry Pi & this Course (39:09)
Day-2 | Installing Operating System for Raspberry Pi
Installing Raspbian OS | Headless Startup settings (47:47)
Day-3 | Embedded system - Digital I/O
Overview about Embedded system & Digital I/O (50:50)
Attachment - 3
Day-4 | Interfacing Analog sensors with Raspberry Pi using ADC
Interfacing analog sensors using Analog to Digital converter (37:18)
Day-5 | RFID based authentication system
RFID Technology | EM18 Module Interface (35:28)
RC522 Interface with Raspberry Pi [BONUS] (18:05)
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Day-6 | Temperature & humidity Monitoring System
Temperature & Humidity Monitoring system using DHT-11 (21:50)
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Day-7 | Message Transmission using UDP & MQTT
MQTT & UDP based Message transmission | IoT (38:40)
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Day-8 | LCD Display with Raspberry Pi
LCD Interface with the Raspberry Pi (33:04)
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Day - 9 | Speed Control of DC Motor
DC motor speed control using PWM (41:00)
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Day-10 | Smart Energy Meter system using Raspberry Pi
Power Monitoring system using Raspberry Pi (30:19)
Attachment - 10 [BONUS]
Day-11 | Weather reporter System
Weather reporter system (33:13)
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Day-12 | Camera Interface with Raspberry Pi
Interface Mobile Camera with Raspberry Pi (33:18)
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Day-13 | Obstacle avoidance Robot using Ultrasound Technology
Obstacle avoidance robot (32:27)
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Day-14 | Baby emotion recognition
Emotion recognition & Music Play (29:08)
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Day-15 | Brain controlled robot using Brainsense & Raspberry Pi
Brain Controlled Robot (23:01)
Day-16 | Water quality monitoring system
Water quality monitoring system (21:36)
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Day-17 | Water flow detection
Waterflow detection using flow sensor (24:13)
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Day - 18 | Sending Email alert using SMTP Protocol
Sending Email Text & Image using SMTP Protocol (18:36)
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Day-19 | Touch screen display interface with Raspberry Pi
Interfacing touch screen display with Raspberry Pi (11:00)
Attachment - 19
Day - 20 | Automatic door lock system | DC, Servo & Stepper Motor
DC, Servo & Stepper Motor | PIR Sensor with Raspberry Pi (42:43)
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Day - 21 | Industry monitoring System using IoT
Exploring Thingspeak (6:47)
Industry Monitoring system using IoT (16:20)
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Day - 22 | Webpage design for appliance control | Apache webserver
Appliance control using webserver (27:48)
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Day - 23 | Appliance control from mobile using IoT
Appliance control from mobile using IoT (13:33)
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Day-24 | Video surveillance system using webpage
Video surveillance system (16:28)
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Day - 25 | Face recognition
Face detection, tracking & recognition (22:40)
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Day-26 | Book reader using OCR
Book reader using OCR (19:12)
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Day - 27 | Object following robot based on color
Object following robot (24:48)
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Day - 28 | Blind assistance system using Deep Learning
Object Recognition with voice output (27:41)
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Day - 29 | LIDAR Interface with Raspberry pi using ROS
Robotic Operating System [ROS] (21:15)
Interfacing RPLidar with Raspberry pi (16:09)
Attachment - 29
Day - 30 | Interfacing Respeaker with Raspberry Pi
Interfacing Respeaker with Raspberry Pi (14:09)
Attachment - 30
Teach online with
RFID Technology | EM18 Module Interface
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